Netflix Autoplay Bookmarklet – With Multiple Season Support!

Not content to leave well enough alone, I was hacking on my bookmarklet some more. It can now handle crossing between seasons. There is also a bit less guessing going on now, so I am more confident in it.

For the record, I want to say, I hope Netflix does not get upset about this, if they want me to remove it I will.

To use this:
1. Drag the link below on to your bookmarks bar.
2. Start watching a TV show on Netflix.
3. Click the bookmark and enter then number of episodes you want to watch.

Note: I have now tested this in IE. It does NOT work. But you wouldn’t use IE anyway, would you?

Netflix Autoplay Bookmarklet – With Multiple Season Support![/raw]

javascript:(function(netflix, undefined) {
var seasonId = 0,
episodeId = 0,
numWatched = 0,
numToWatch = 3,
epIdRegex = /,EpisodeMovieId=\d*,/,
idregx = /\d+/,
done = false,

if(!netflix || !netflix.Silverlight || !netflix.Silverlight.MoviePlayer || !netflix.Silverlight.MoviePlayer.getPlugin() || !netflix.Silverlight.MoviePlayer.getPlugin().settings.initParams) {
alert('You do not appear to have a show playing, please start a show first');

//grab the things we need
sl = netflix.Silverlight.MoviePlayer.getPlugin().getScriptInterface();
init = netflix.Silverlight.MoviePlayer.getPlugin().settings.initParams;
currrentEpisodeId = parseInt(idregx.exec(epIdRegex.exec(init)), 10);
currentMovieId = parseInt(netflix.Silverlight.MoviePlayer.getPlugin().settings.movieId, 10);

//Check if the user has already loded teh bookmarklet
var autoplayElement = document.getElementById('NetflixAutoplay');
if(autoplayElement) {
alert('You have already loaded the autoplay bookmarklet, click the text at the botton to change number of episodes.');

//grab the metadata and decode it
try {
showData = JSON.parse(decode64(netflix.Silverlight.MoviePlayer.getPlugin().settings.metadata));
} catch(e) {
alert('Error processing data =(');

if(showData.Movie) {
alert('This appears to be a movie not a TV show. This bookmarklet only works on TV show.');

//set our pointest to match the episode we are currently on
seasons = showData.Show.Seasons;
for(seasonId = 0; seasonId < seasons.length; seasonId++) { for(episodeId = 0; episodeId < seasons[seasonId].Episodes.length; episodeId++) { if(seasons[seasonId].Episodes[episodeId].MovieId === currentMovieId || seasons[seasonId].Episodes[episodeId].MovieId === currrentEpisodeId) { done = true; break; } } if(done) { break; } } //check if we were able to find the episode the user is on if(seasonId === seasons.length) { alert('Error: Already of final episode, or episode data could not be found.'); return; } //Prompt user for number of episodes function getNumberOfEpisodesToWatch() { var newNum; do { newNum = prompt('How many episodes would you like to play?', (numToWatch - numWatched)); } while (isNaN(newNum)); numWatched = 0; numToWatch = parseInt(newNum, 10); //set the text if(numToWatch > 0) {
autoplayElement.innerHTML = 'Netflix autoplay on, Episodes left: ' + numToWatch;
} else {
autoplayElement.innerHTML = 'Netflix autoplay off';

//create the text that shows how many episodes left & insert it
node = document.createElement('span');
autoplayElement = document.body.appendChild(node); = 'NetflixAutoplay';
autoplayElement.innerHTML = 'Netflix autoplay on, Episodes left: ' + numToWatch;

//attach a click handler so people can change number of episodes
autoplayElement.addEventListener('click', getNumberOfEpisodesToWatch, false);

//prompt the user for number of episodes for the first time

//handle when the episode ends
sl.OnMovieWatched = function() {
if(numWatched < numToWatch && !waitTimer) { //Check if done autoplaying waitTimer = setTimeout(function() { //Set our timer so we do not end early var epp, numLeft; //move episode/season counters properly if(seasons[seasonId].Episodes[episodeId+1]) { episodeId++; } else { episodeId = 0; seasonId++; } //if there is a next episode, grab it if(seasons[seasonId] && seasons[seasonId].Episodes[episodeId]) { epp = seasons[seasonId].Episodes[episodeId]; } //if there is a next episode, play it and update the text if (epp) { sl.PlayMovie({movieId: epp.MovieId, episodeMovieId: 0, trackId: 0}); numWatched++; numLeft = numToWatch - numWatched; if(numLeft > 0) {
autoplayElement.innerHTML = 'Netflix autoplay on, Episodes left: ' + numLeft;
} else {
autoplayElement.innerHTML = 'Netflix autoplay completed.';

waitTimer = null;
}, 2*60*1000);

//This is just a bse64 decoder
function decode64(input) {
var keyStr = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=',
output = '',
chr1, chr2, chr3 = '',
enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4 = '',
i = 0,
base64test = /[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g;

input = input.replace(base64test, '');

do {
enc1 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc2 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc3 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc4 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));

chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); } chr1 = chr2 = chr3 = ''; enc1 = enc2 = enc3 = enc4 = ''; } while (i<input.length); return unescape(output); } })(; 

In addition to handling moving between seasons, it now also adds a little text below the movie to tell you that it is on. You can click this text to change the number of episodes it will play. Entering 0 for the number of episodes will turn this off.

Netflix Autoplay Bookmarklet!

I have updated this plugin, please use the new BETTER version – Click Here

Netflix is awesome, most of the time the fact that I have to click the “Play next episode” button does not bother me, usually I am at my computer anyway. But, if you are like me, you enjoy throwing on a show (say Futurama) and having a few episodes play while you go to sleep. The ~22 minutes an episode is just not enough, I like to have about 3 play. Netflix does not have a way for me to do this. I thought to myself “How hard could this be?” and spent the rest of the night throwing this baby together:

Netflix Autoplay Bookmarklet
If you don’t know how bookmarklets work, simply drag the above link onto you link bar.

To use it, just start an episode of the show you want to watch, click the bookmark, enter the number of episodes you want it to play, then just let it run. It should keep playing episodes, until either the season ends, or it reaches the number you entered.

	var eppsWatched = 1,
		movieIDrgx = /movieid=\d*[&|#]/,
		trackIDrgx = /trkid=\d*[&|#]/,
		episoIDrgx = /episodeMovieId=\d*[&|#]/,
		idregx = /\d+/,
		epps, movieId, trkId, eppId, sl, tmp;

	//grab netflix JS interface for player
	try {
		sl = netflix.Silverlight.MoviePlayer.getPlugin().getScriptInterface() || false;
	} catch (e) {
		sl = false;

	if(!sl) {
		alert('Please start the first episode you wish to watch.');
	} else {
		epps = prompt('How many episodes would you like to play?', '3'),
		//number of episodes the user wants to watch
		epps = parseInt(epps, 10);

		//extract the IDs from the url
		movieId = parseInt((idregx.exec(movieIDrgx.exec(window.location)) || [0])[0], 10);
		eppId 	= parseInt((idregx.exec(episoIDrgx.exec(window.location)) || [0])[0], 10);
		trkId 	= parseInt((idregx.exec(trackIDrgx.exec(window.location)) || [0])[0], 10);

		//add even to movie finished
		sl.OnMovieWatched = function() {
			var waiting = null; //make our timeer

			//check if we have finished watching
			if(eppsWatched < epps) {
				//move to the next episode
				if(trkId !== 0) {
				if(eppId !== 0) {
				if(movieId !== 0) {

				if(!waiting) { //this event triggers about 2 minutes before the end of a show - and multiple times, my guess it is how they move their index to know they should start with the next epp next time
					waiting = setTimeout(function() {
						//tell netflix to play the next epp
						sl.PlayMovie({movieId: movieId, episodeMovieId: eppId, trackId: trkId});

						//increment our episode counter

						waiting = null;

Some caveats:

  • This (obviously) only works with shows, not movies, because there needs to be a "next episode".
  • This only works within a single season, so if you start with the last episode of a season, you will only ever see that single episode.
  • The movie ID seems to be the only one that matters, I haven't even seen the episodeMovieId used anywhere, I am incrementing all the IDs, it has worked for the 3 shows I have tried.
  • Netflix executes their "OnMovieWatched" event before the end of the movie, and I am not exactly sure how far before, so I just kind of guessed a bit.
  • This works for me in Chrome and Firefox, if you are using some other shitty browser, or an old version and it does not work for you, I don't care. Use a better browser.

    There is a good chance this does not work with all shows. In fact I would be shock if it worked on all shows. If you find a show it does not work on, feel free to let me know and I might take a look! If you want to fix it yourself and send me the update, even better!

    So, Netflix could easily stop this from working, but I hope they don't. Fortunately, probably only about 3 people read my blog, so I think this should be pretty safe!

    How did I figure this out? Well, I don't want to type that up right now, so it will have to wait for another post.